As an employer, you have a lot on your plate. You've got more important things to do than spend endless hours seeking qualified staff. Let AtWork SoCal do the legwork and deliver top talent.
We'll search our extensive database of candidates seeking work, write and advertise compelling postings on the most popular job boards, pore through applications and resumes, interview and pre-qualify the most promising applicants and deliver only the top candidates for your consideration. It is our goal to place candidates that fit your organization, not just in terms of education, experience and hard skills, but also your unique culture and work environment.
Contact the professionals at AtWork SoCal today with your hiring challenges. We'll provide a personalized quote and strive to earn your business with every job order. AtWork backs every Direct Hire placement with Secure 7™, a seven year guarantee unequaled in the staffing industry.
What can AtWork do for you?
AtWork SoCal functions as a centralized hub for available jobs and qualified job seekers. AtWork vets and connects the best-suited applicants to the best-fitting job opportunities. For employers, there is a distinct advantage to utilizing AtWork to manage workforce needs, freeing up time and resources better spent on more pressing business activities.
Employers contract with AtWork to find great candidates and AtWork takes care of the legwork, including advertising, searching, recruiting, qualifying, testing, interviewing, etc. Once AtWork identifies the most suitable candidates based on employer requirements, we coordinate interviews for the employer to make a final decision from the top candidates.
AtWork's placement services offer employers distinct staffing options designed for maximum flexibility and convenience:
Temporary Placement
“Temps” are generally placed for short or medium term assignments. Temps could be substituting for an employee who is out but returning, or adding capacity due to a temporary or seasonal need. Temps officially work for AtWork Personnel as the employer of record. AtWork Personnel takes care of payroll and applicable employment tax withholding, and offers a qualified healthcare benefit plan. If an employer wishes to hire a temp directly, they can either wait until a specified number of hours have elapsed and make an offer to the employee or pay a prorated Direct-Hire fee.
Temp-to-Perm Placement
In this scenario, employers try out an employee and the employee in turn gets to experience the work environment without a major commitment on either part. Temp-to-perm employees officially work for AtWork Personnel until the employer is ready to bring them into their own payroll after a specified number of hours worked. If there’s not a good fit, the employer or employee may ask to terminate the assignment. AtWork will consult with the employer and present other suitable candidates for consideration. We will also work with the employee to find them other assignments better suited to their needs and abilities.
Direct Hire
AtWork will source and recruit a select group of candidates that best match employer requirements and coordinate interviews. The employer pays a fee to AtWork and AtWork guarantees the placement for up to 7 years through our Secure 7™ placement guarantee.
Placement Fees - Bill Rates
For Temp and Temp-to-Hire employees under the AtWork payroll, we will mark up the hourly wage to a competitive rate that covers recruiting and administrative expenses as well as mandated federal, state and local taxes. For Direct Hire placements, we will charge the employer a flat percentage of the employee's annual salary and provide a Secure 7™ Guarantee in case things don’t work out.
On-Site Services
Get a dedicated AtWork coordinator to source, train and deploy temporary staff. Streamline administration and ensure productivity.
Payroll Accommodation
Transfer temporary employees you recruit onto our payroll. We’ll handle pay, withholding and reporting, to save you administrative hassles and expense.
AtWork Employees - Ready to Work for You
The pool of AtWork SoCal temporary employees are individually vetted, tested and pre-screened by our team of experienced recruiters. Our temps also undergo a criminal records background check and drug screen by our preferred screening partner, AtBackgrounds |
Get started today. Contact AtWork for a personalized quote.
We are At Work for You.